Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First images of 9/11 Pentagon attack

The first images of the pentagon attack on 9/11 were release today. It is a photo slide show of still frames that show the plane coming into the picture very low to the ground. If it didn't seem as if it were going very fast, you could mistake it for a car. You cant really make out a plane. Its just a glimps of the front of something. We all know that amount of disinformation out there, and I just dont buy all the crap that the people in control feed us. Why does it take untill today for these people to release a 5 frame slide show? Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Well, what can we do? Just keep putting the peices together in hopes of one day getting to the truth. Click the link on the word pentagon at the begining of this post to see the actual slide show.

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