Friday, September 29, 2006

How pathetic can this countries media get? Get of TO's case for gods sake. Its the most rediculous shit I have ever seen. Forget the fact that there are thousands of starving, homeless souls walking this countries streets. No, instead lets flock like vultures to a carcass and blow this guys stories way out of proportion becuase he is the one gets them the most exposure. Yes he is self-centered, yes he is probably selfish, yes he seems like a prick, but get over it. The guy takes some extra generic vicodin after a long day of practice and has an allergic reaction to when mixed with all the supplement the guy takes. His publisist comes in, sees him incoherent and calls 911. I would have done the same if I were her. She happens to say some dumb statment like he was depressed, they write up the police report that "somehow" gets leaked out and the circus is back in Dallas. Its freaking pathetic if you ask me. The media or medioits as I like to call them should all burn at the stake! Ok that was a bit too harsh, but really how stupid is that. Why not focus on the real problems facing society instead of streching the truth on an attention whore like Owens. Its shit like this that disgusts me man. I never want to be a celebrity, a better name for it is house arrest.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Once the rose is in full bloom the gardener need only admire from a distance.

"I recognize that pose
When you bloomed like a rose"

Logic is a very intresting subject to learn about. I know that in this world is its usually a good idea to be logical. Then there are other times were logic simply does not apply. Logic is defined as: the study of the rules of correct thinking. It concentrates on the principles that guide rational thought and discussion. The most fundamental concept in logic is that of an argument. An argument must be distinguished from "arguing", which is a debate or disagreement between different people. The logical concept of an argument is: a set of statements, one of which is the conclusion , the others are premises, and the premises support the conclusion. In other words, it is a statement along with the evidence that supports it. Now follow me on this one, how do you logically explain a concept like god, the universe, creation, transcendence etc. You can logically come to the conclusion that you just cant, atleast not untill we achieve higher states of consiousness where we are cabable of understanding those types of subjects in thier entirety. With this point made, I would like to ask a second question. Why do people who consider themselves to be very logical by nature (especially the ones who have taken philosophy) believe that all things can be explained through logic and find some insidious way of making an argument (a set of statements, one of which is the conclusion , the others are premises, and the premises support the conclusion.) into a never ending debate using hypothetical statments in the "Modus Ponens" style of deductive reasoning to state some asinine claim that they are correct becuase thier argument cannot be proven wrong?

Logic is flawed becuase it fails to completely describe the world, universe we exist in and I cant stand when people hide behind some stupid law of logic. If this world were logical by nature then I would have to agree with them. Through thier logical reasoning thier statments would be correct, but this world is not a logical world. Logic is just on part of an equation that no logic system or thought can ever hope to prove. I dont have a problem with people and thier opinions of anything but when you hear people say its correct because its logical, it just burst my bubble, just look at the cartoon above to show you what all this logical thinking leads us to.

Logic is good, but not when its being misused.

I read this and I kind of confused me a bit. if you have questions on it post them and i will try and explain. I dont feel like rewriting this thing.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A seed sprouts out as the moist earth awakens it into the world. Bright, warm and safe environment surrounds it. It grows strong and vibrant among its peers.

It begins to bud, at the same time, other plants around it begin to flower and it feels left out, an outcast. The world around it leaves it behind. No flower no power it believes putting to much emphasis on what it does not have. The other flowering plants ridcule it for not having anything to show. Little by little it loses its confidence.

Along comes the gardener, he feeds her, prunes her, fertelizes her, nurtures her, the plant grows stronger and strong. It feels better about itself because the gardener gives her so much attention. She starts to wonder why he does. For weeks he toils her soil, working, caring, shareing a part of himself with the little plant. Untill one day his dedication pays off, for he has the privilege of seeing her bloom in to the most beautiful flower he will ever see. He is taken back by the beauty he beholds. That tiny little seed had become a majestic rose.

He keeps coming back each day to behold her, and one day as he is handling her he pricks his finger on one of her thorns. Cause every rose has its thorns.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Which is the best way to learn? To learn from the mistakes of others or to find out the hard way. I perfer the hard way. Its harder as the name implies but I think the lesson sticks to you much more due to the burn it leave behind. Ain't it humorous that there are so many wise sayings (Dichos in spanish) that the world has to offer that have been passed down and learned from experience (the hard way), and yet there are very few who actually live by them and avoid getting burned. My mom would always tell us new ones since my brother and I were always screwing around and being mischvous. Example: Juego de manos es de vianos." My mother used this one alot since we were always fighting with each other and others. Its roughly translated as Hand games (hitting) are for not for the civilized, but the real meaning is pretty much lost in translation. I found this other one in english that I saw fit to share. Its sates, "Don't be afraid to take one large step because you can't cross a chasm in two small leaps." by David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister and statesman, (1863-1945).

There are many wise and knowlegable teachings in this world but its hard to grasp thier message if you have no background on them or have not gone through what they try to describe. I myself am at my best when relating past experiences to people who may be going through the same or similar situations, but there is also the side of me that takes in these ageless teachings and wonders what the hell they are refering to untill I finally experience it and say OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! You can try to do what you can to help others not make the same mistakes that you have made, much like parents try to shelter their kids too much, way too much sometimes. But in the the end you figure out that most things in life need to be learned through the mistakes and choices that transpire thourgh out your life. I thought the picture below says it all, since you can protect people from screwing up in thier lives, you can only serve as a warning of what can happen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Its crazy how a little bit of kindness can go a long way. It does not matter if your world is crumbling all around you, one act of kindness can make all the diffrence in the world. It doesnt matter what you have done before or who you are. Kindness is contagious, there has never been a time when I have recieved an act of kindness and not felt warm all over. There has never been an occasion where being extending an act of kindness made me feel connected to the world. Its amazing how a simple act can have such a positive and long lasting effect. Like my friend Whore-Ratio (inside joke) reiterated in one of his previous posts, "you don't necessarily remember people, but you remember the way people made you feel."

I have never been real close to my grand father. We have a history of getting into arugments and being non-torlerant of each other. We care for each other greatly but always seem to bump heads no matter what. A couple of months back he had to undergo an operation for cancer and I called him after it to see how he was doing, I did this every other day for a couple of weeks. Those simple phone calls have done wonders for our relationship. I can tell that he really apprecatied it, and he tells me that as well. He has had a rough history and most of my family will tell you he can be impossible to deal with, but now I see that he just needs some kindness now and then to warm his heart. I still get into discussions with him over religion and stuff like that but it ends pretty well. He listens to my view point now, although he always says that I am incorrect but I digress. The point is that I have never enjoyed my Granddads company more. I have realized that he is a funny, clever, mischievous, and caring person.

Another person whom I have clashed with is my father. Me and my dad have butted heads more than anyone I have known. A simple acts of kindness turn him into a fun loving, happy, talkative, insightful, helpful, and understanding person. Helping him with the little things around the house and the dumb little chores that he asks is all it takes to turn him from angry, bitter, mean, to one of my best friends in the world. My dad is awsome, he has so many stories to tell, so much history, so much culture in him that he does not get to share when he is angry. Most people think he is very mean but thats cause they only see his bad side. He is a great guy.

My grand mother is in the hospital, she had a knee replacement done about a year ago, and last sunday as she was walking home from the Publix (supermarket) she slipped on some palm seeds that were scattered on the sidewalk and broke her femur (biggest bone in your body) right above the prostetic knee. The doctors feared that they might have to take it out but that God that they were able to set the bone and secure it without going removing the prostetic knee. Well, she puts on a good show for us, she says she is ok, and happy when we are around but I know she is suffering. She is my hero, she is so strong, I tell her she is as tough as a lioness. I call her in the mornings on my way to work and it lifts her spirts. You cant imagine how much a simple call to a loved one improves thier quality of life, atleast for a moment. Imagine what its like for a stranger to recieve that type of kindness from another stanger. Its one of the best feelings in the world.

I have made it a point to do as many acts of kindness as I can. Whether that be letting someone in to the car lane on at rush hour, or helping an old lady with her bags, or giving a person a ride when its raining, or giving someone a glass of water on a hot day etc. There are so many little things you can do through out your day to be kind. Kindness keeps this world from turning into a fucked up and cold place. (please excuse my french.)

Be kind everybody, pay it forward, that was a good movie by the way, I recomend it.

PS, I think the artist knows my grand ma cuase that her carrying that tea set.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Are we meant to live like machines? Do we have a set program that only tweaks itself when we learn somthing essential to our way of life. Have we become so automated in our behavior that we take for granted the wonderous things that are present in everday life? Its become apperent to me that we do, atleast most of us, present company included.

Most people have a set routine that they follow. Everyday is pretty much the same as the next, even weekends tend to become redundant. Frankly I am sick of that way of living. In my opinion, life is meant to be experienced, not ignored, but in most cases, thats exactly what we do. I realized this one day when I was having a conversation with my brother Luis. He and I were discussing life in general, how we are, how we see ourselves, what we want see ourselves become etc. I was telling him of how tired I was of doing the same shit every day, wake up, work, school, sleep. He responds by telling me that I already have a routine, and thats precisley what he wants to avoid the most. He said he has noticed other friends routines and that they complain that thier life has become monotonous. I could not agree with him more. Routines suck, there is no thought process behind them, so lifeless in a sense. I could walk by a tree grove everday on my way to school and think nothing of it, and then one day look up to see a Blue Jay(females are an ashy brown color by the way) feeding her chicks, or a iguana chaseing after an insect up one of the trunks. Whats my point? The point is that during my routine phaze I would have been oblivous to the richness of life around me. They would be just some group of trees with sounds coming from it. In other words eventless, boring, redundant walking to and from school.

Ask yourself whats more enjoyable, walking and experienceing the world around you or walking and neglecting the world around you? If your answer is experiencing then take a deep breath and enjoy every part of your day. For those who answered neglecting, (I hope no-one did) its time to get your oil changed.

Also, please observe a moment of silence of the lives lost in the attacks on 9/11.
And Pray for my Grandmother who was injured on a bad fall.