Monday, October 22, 2007

Is a wedding all its cracked up to be?

I don't think so, personally I lean towards the side that states that most people get hitch just cause they feel the pressures of society. I have finished college, got a good job, whats next? Oh, its marriage. Are you kidding me!?!?! That might be the stupidest ever.

I know you guys are wondering why this topic, well its because i just came from a wedding this weekend. It was my childhood friends time to tie the knot. He meets all the requirements about. Graduated, has a promising career (Police Officer), why not get married is what he made me feel was his reasoning. I made sure to ask him if he was sure with his decision as all good friends MUST do for their fellow gender. You don't want them committing a silly "I am an adult now so I can make these types of decisions" mistake. In his case, I wish him the best, he married his high school sweet heart, Awwwww, I know, clinches sicken me too. She is a good girl, smart, attractive, funny, sarcastic as they come. They definitely have their shit together, they just purchased a house and are all set to move in very soon. I am guessing they will throw a huge house warming party but I digress.

Back to the point, It just feels as if society has taken a larger role in peoples life, setting standards and peer pressuring people to take the next step. I am assuming that this is one of the main reasons why we have such a high divorce rate. People don't put enough thought into this type of life altering decision. It scares the bleep out of me, especially after the wedding. I walked into that church and my stomach turned inside out. I was thinking " I cant do this and I am just the best man!" Imagine the GROOM! That some crazy as bleep man!

I want companionship with a wonderful woman, I want someone to spend and share my soul with but I also want to go out, live, be single, mingle, travel, be reckless at times, have no one to hold me back from doing what ever comes up. No thinking, " Man, I want to go to (fill in the place) but I don't know if (fill in the name)is going to mind." Believe it or not, that thought is a holding you back thought. Bottom line is if your not ready to completely commit to something don't commit. Simple as that.