Monday, March 10, 2008

First Loves: Hate them, love them or both.

First loves are great. They are great joys, they are great pains, they are great teachers of the relationships between us and our significant others. The important question is CAN we view them as the lessons that they are but in the end it all becomes crystal clear. Think of all the people who could tell you of their first experience of love and loss and how painful it was. Only to have them tell you that in retrospect it turned out for the best.

Feelings, especially the intimate kind have the ability to make us feel as if nothing else matters anymore, like if the world is upside down. We don't have perspective during these situations and there for cant gauge how unreasonable we are being. Most people tend to adopt a victims approach to the situation and compound the problem. Their heart aches, their mind is rattled and confused and out of feeling of not knowing whats to come rises a burning rage that consumes the person if left to fester. That is no way to live.

The advise to all whom wish to read it is to learn to see the lesson that is to be learned from any situations, especially these types of situations. Don't harden your heart, and take a victims approach, it will only eat you up inside. Learn to forgive and let go and be the best person you can be.

This post is dedicated to Sandro.

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